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Born in 1984


原语种:英语 书号:ISBN 978-7-300-20136-8 作者:Mu Cheng 出版机构: China Renmin University Press 出版时间:2016-03-29

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作者/Author:Mu Cheng

出版时间/Publication Year:November 2014

书号/ISBN:ISBN 978-7-300-20136-8



    The first part of this novel records interesting stories about Gu Fan from his Kindergarten to college in a flashback way. At the same time, the book records social memories about Beijing City in that period. The profession life and emotion life of Gu Fan is in the second part of this novel. The last part of the novel tells stories of Gu  Fan working for different job positions and experiences in starting his own business. The whole novel covers the relationship between the government and the businessman, personal career development, system environment, and other social problems.