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A Way of Finding What’s True


原语种: 书号:9790000000000 作者:Sheng Jia 出版机构: 出版时间:2016-03-01

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作者/Author:Sheng Jia

出版时间/Publication Year:Mar 2013




William Edward Soothill, English, was a Methodist missionary to China who later became Professor of Chinese at Oxford University and a leading British sinologist. The best time of his life was spent in China, but few people know his stories. In the late 19th century to the early twentieth century, his name was closely related to many historical events and celebrities. In his early twenties, he traveled from Britain to China, followed by his finacee.His child was born here, and then began the life in China. He arrived in China and spent more than twenty years as a missionary in Wenzhou. He founded a hospital, a training college, schools and two hundred preaching stations. He studied the Wenzhou dialect, compiled Four thousand commonly used Chinese characters pocket dictionary for foreigners who were learning the Chinese language, and introduced Chinese classics to the west.Su Huilian’s daughter, grew up back in China, founded PeiHua girls’ schools, this is Lin huiyin’s Alma mater. He was in the board of Trustees of Sino-British Gengkuan, and the driving force to push British return the reparation to China at last. His daughter returned to China when she grew up, and found the Pei Hua girl’s school, which was Lin Huiyin’s alma mater. Soothill experienced the most turbulent period in China, and his experience was just the microcosm of that era.