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国家: 津巴布韦 成立时间:2007 机构类别:教育学术 网站: www.ciuz.uz.ac.zw/index.php/about-ciuz


History of the Confucius Institute 孔院历史 The Confucius Institute at the University of Zimbabwe was established in 2007. Since its establishment the Institute has grown to become a renowned center of excellence. More than 2000 students who graduated from the Confucius Institute are currently contributing to the Sino-Zim relationships through offering Chinese language translation services as well as teaching Chinese language and culture in various institutions and government departments. Apart from providing language services, the Confucius Institute at the University of Zimbabwe also provides scholarships sponsored by the Chinese Government to outstanding students, this has changed people’s lives. 津巴布韦大学孔子学院成立于2007年。目前津大孔院已经成为津巴布韦国家汉语与中华文化教学中心。津大孔院成立以来已培养两千多名毕业生,这些毕业生就职于中津企业、学校及政府部门等领域,从事汉语翻译,汉语和中华文化教学,为中津文化交流做出了重要贡献。津大孔院也为津巴布韦优秀学生提供中国政府奖学金,通过他们的努力,提升津巴布韦人民的生活。 Vision愿景 To be considered by our stakeholders and members of public as the distinguished centre of teaching Chinese language and culture, research, intellectual liaison and exchange that foster Sino-Zimbabwe collaboration and provision of professional language services. 津大孔院将努力成为津巴布韦汉语教学、中华文化教学、汉语服务及汉语研究中心,并通过文化交流加强中津友谊关系。 Mission statement 任务宣言 To promote and enhance the understanding of the Chinese language and culture among Chinese learners in Zimbabwe as well as friendship and exchange between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Zimbabwe, and to promote Chinese language and culture instruction and research at tertiary, secondary and primary school level. 促进津巴布韦人民对汉语和中华文化的了解,增强中津两国人民之间的交流及传统友谊。 Services offered 业务 Teaching of Chinese 汉语教学。 Translation and Interpreting Services汉语翻译。 Proof Reading 校对。 Cultural Activities 文化活动。 Chinese Proficiency Testing汉语水平考试服务。 Scholarships 奖学金。 Chinese Tourists toru guiding services 中国国籍游客导游服务