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KereibaayevaAigerim 1


国籍 哈萨克斯坦 母语哈萨克语 精通语言 英语   汉语   兴趣标签教育学

2005-2009, 哈萨克斯坦阿布赉汗国际关系与外国语大学, 英汉语专业  本科; 2009-2010, 中国伊犁师范学院, 汉语预科; 2011-2015, 新疆师范大学, 汉语语言学  硕士; 2015-2018, 中国西南大学, 教学法   博士; 

2015-2017, 哈萨克斯坦阿布赉汗国际关系与外国语大学, 汉语教师; 2017-2018, 上海外国语大学, 哈萨克语教师; 

1. On December 10, 2015, at the international conference "the international practices", have published two articles like

 «the influence of Kazakh language to Kazakhstan students in learning Chinese prepositions “dui,gei,xiang”» and 

 «a comparative study of Chinese dragon culture with  dragon culture in Kazakhstan»

3. On November 18, 2016,  in the fourth International scientific and practical conference "Foreign language education: experience, problems, innovations", I have published a scientific article "the use of multimedia technologies in teaching Chinese characters "

4. participation in the project of the Kazakh Ablaikhan University of World languages and International relationships,  in constructing the Phrasebook Expo 2017. 

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