诞生于1879年的圣约翰大学(St.John's University)初名圣约翰书院,它是中国第一所现代高等教会学府,也是在华办学时间最长的一所教会学校。
相信各位小伙伴在欣赏国外影视剧时,总会遇到各式各样的 “神翻译”。他们或妙趣横生,或清新典雅,或充满特色……让我们惊艳不已的同时,也使得追剧看片的过程中充满了各种乐趣。
This documentary is about China’s latest and greatest technology advancements.Through intriguing stories from Chinese people’s daily life, the technologies and innovations showcased would remind you how far the world and China have come along.
The story follows the lives of 3 boys from Taiwan Hsinchu Senior High School under the Japanese Rule. Lin Qingwen, Zhou Shaozhen, and Zhuang Shigeng are childhood friends that grew up together and suffered under the Japanese colonial movement.