乌克兰番红花出版社(SAFRAN LTD)现寻求国内相关版权机构合作,希望在乌克兰出版阿乙、路遥、苏童、余华、毕飞宇、铁凝、史铁生、周大新、格非、王安忆、萧红、沈从文等中国著名作家的作品,欢迎出版社推荐作品。
本书邀请相关领域的优秀学者采用跨文化和跨学科的方法与视角,撰写以当代中德文化交流与碰撞为主题的文章,审视广大华语地区和德语地区现存的机制与策略,分析其如何推进和塑造跨文化对话,以丰富当前的中德研究和跨国研究。The contents will include the contemporary cultural dialogues that happen in the area of German and Chinese cultures in the broadest possible sense. Re
At the invitation of Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support Network, around 30 sinologists, ambassadors to China and foreign experts from various countries released videos in which they extended their blessings and best wishes to the people of Ch