• 版权合作


    详细信息:ISBN:9787544754866 定价:36RMB/5.80USD 开本:32 内容简介: Scotland, Spain, India, Japan – these are just a few of the stops on Chinese tycoon David Yang’s never-ending tour of the world’s most exclusive eateries. Before making his fortune in the meat import industry, David grew up in poverty. When he encounters the like-minded Helen Zhu he is delighted to have discovered a part
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    My life in Your World

    作者/Author:Xue Li 出版机构/Publisher:China Children’s Publishing House 出版时间/Publication Year:Apr 2012 书号/ISBN:9787514805222 内容简介/Introduction: The author tells the stories of four children in a fantastic form, which is very original and interesting. Even though the story of “Spiritual Exchange” frequently appears in films, TV series and literature, it has never lost its appeal. T
  • 版权合作

    The Little Red Army·Picture Books: Story of Bi Nan

    It is an interesting story of a young soldier of the Red Army, who is not good-looking. He strived to become a member of the Art Troupe in the army, and overcome many obstacles to become a great artist in acting.
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    The System of Dalai Lama Reincarnation

    I.Tibetan Buddhism and the System of living Buddha Reincarnation II.Gelug Sect Adopts the living Buddha Reincarnation System III.The Title of the Reincarnation of the Dalai Lama:Soinam Gyamco and Yundain Gyamco V.The Confirmation of the 5th Dalai Lama VI.Conficts on the Confirmation of the 6th Dalai Lama VII.The Search and Confirmation of the 8th Dailai Lama VIII Introduction of the System of
  • 版权合作

    From Qian Zhongshu to Eileen Chang

    作者/Author:Roland Soong, compiled by Chen Xiaoqin 出版时间/Publication Year:April 2015 书号/ISBN: ISBN 9787536074460 内容简介/Introduction: Roland Soong writes the biography about his father Stephen Soong. Stephen Soong (1919~1996), whose pseudonym is Lin Yiliang and so on, is a critic and translator. He has contributed in many areas such as the literary criticism, redo- logy, translation and
  • 版权合作

    Adorable sketch.24 kind of beautiful plants

    作者/Author:Tu Xiaoxiao 出版时间/Publication Year:Apr 2014 书号/ISBN:9787538184754 定价/Price:¥28.00 内容简介/Introduction: Little rabbit edited "Kavai sketch (24 beautiful plant)" is a fun filled sketch book, breaking the traditional sketch of the dull and boring, neither painted plaster is not painting the human body, but drew 24 beautiful plants, with foliage plants, there are flowering plants, eve
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    几十年来,季先生的学术研究领域广泛,加之勤钻研,他在语言学、佛学、历史学、文学、文化学、比较文学等方面都卓有建树,但他用心最多、成就最大的则是对印度学的研究。在印度学研究方面,他对印度的语 言、历史、文学、文化及中印文化关系史等方面有独到见解,成就斐然。因此,印度著名的瓦拉那西大学授予他最高荣誉“褒扬奖”、印度文学院授予他“名誉院 士”。 中外文化交流也是季羡林先生一贯重视的,与上述几个研究领域有关,内容相当广,研究的时间也相当长,但重点还是在中印文化交流方面。当然,他的研究“还旁 及中国与波斯和其他一些国家的文化交流”。季先生在不同的时间、不同的场合演说和不同的著作中,对中印文化交流都有精辟论述,这类文章都分散在不同的书中,他的著作如“山”,读者想一一查找有关内容,费力耗时,也许不便。为适应
  • 版权合作

    Classic Furniture of Essence of Auctioned Chinese Antiques

    This book consists of such two parts as the General Introduction and the Plate. In the General Introduction is the presentation of the culture and collection of classic furniture and the trend toward its investment, while in the Plate are more than 150 pictures of classic furniture vividly shown with one for one piece as well as matched with appreciative caption for the convenience of readers&rsqu
  • 版权合作

    A Study on the Culture of Ancient Human of the South China Sea

    The author made a lot of research on the origin of human besides the South China Sea. In this book also included pre-historic culture connection with the Pearl River culture as well as the influence comes from environment change.
  • 版权合作

    10 Ways of Identification for Jadeite

    出版时间/Publication Year:Jun 2014 书号/ISBN:978-7-5480- 2835-2 定价/Price: ¥43.00 内容简介/Introduction: It introduces ten easy ways of identification about the authenticity, the class and the value for Tianghuang stone, to know more about origin and development, production region, forming time, category, production number, etc.
  • 版权合作

    Chinese for Traditional Chinese Medicine: Integrated Course

    The “Series of Specialized Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners Studying in China” is intended for foreigners in China who major in Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and relevant subjects and whose Chinese proficiency is at the elementary or intermediate level. It aims at training students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills wh
  • 版权合作

    The first person of Chinese hand- shaping red clay po

    This book introduces Zhang Yanming, the first person of Chinese hand-shaping red clay pot. He is not only a leader of Chinese hand- shaping red clay pot, but also the first person to get the title of national master in this industry. He has taken up his job as an artist for more than fifty years with an excellent craftsmanship. This book gives introductions and reviews of Zhang Yanming and his wo
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    详细内容: ISBN:9787020090303 14.5RMB 2.33USD 开本:32 内容简介: Mr. Cui is a forty-year-old audio technician and a passionate audiophile. He is also divorced and living in his mother’s old apartment, which his sister and her good-for-nothing husband have assumed as their own. Yet Mr. Cui’s luck appears to change radically when
  • 版权合作

    Picture Books Written by Cao Wenxuan: A Little Bandy-Legged Hunting Dog

    作者/Author:Cao Wenxuan 出版机构/Publisher:Tomorrow Publishing House 出版时间/Publication Year:Apr 2014 书号/ISBN: 978-7-5332-7770-3 内容简介/Introduction: A little hunting dog is often teased because of its bandy legs, but it is determined to be one that runs fastest and leaps highest. How to face one’s birth defect? How to treat others’ sneer and prejudice?Listen to your heart and chase your ow
  • 版权合作

    Chinese Culture Survey

    This book elaborates Chinese culture on rational perspective and analyze, covering a range of culture, history and other exchange to help readers well understand Chinese culture.