• 版权合作

    Effective Meridian Application- -Handbook of Meridian Health Preserve

    作者/Author:Cai Hong Guang 出版机构/Publisher:Guangdong Science & Technology Press 语种/Language:Chinese 内容简介/Introduction: Doctor Cai Hong Guang, the famous expert on meridian, has gained over 20 years’ experience on clinical meridian and medical and health work and writes this book. The book is permeated with the notion of “tong”, which means activate clearly in Chinese. Dr. Cai in
  • 版权合作

    Symbols Representing China

    出版时间/Publication Year: Oct 2011 定价/Price: $30.00 内容简介/Introduction: Nearly fifty symbols of traditional Chinese culture with strong symbolism, high recognition and extensive influence are selected in this book, which connotation covers the fields like architecture, collection, dress and personal adornment, military affairs, health preservance and folk arts. The symbols are of special postion an
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    Purple Brilliance— Zhaoqing Duanyan

    Duanyan, which is made from good stone with delicate carved, has a long history in China. Zhaoqing Duanyan keeps the traditional process of local characteristics, while at the same time creating a new artistic conception beyond utilitarian.
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    The Mask Art of Chinese Nuo Opera

    The book includes pictures of masks of Nuo Opera of different minority ethnic groups from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan in the south to Qinghai and Gansu in the north, including Yi, Buyi, Miao and Tujia. It is precious and informative to some degree. Such an atlas which is close to readers is valuable for popularizing Nuo culture and furthering the research of Nuo culture. This atlas presents the ar
  • 版权合作

    The Road to Urban Landscape —A Dialogue with the Mayors

    作者/Author:Yu Kongjian, Li Dihua 出版时间/Publication Year: Jan 2003 书号/ISBN: 978-7-1120-5585-2 定价/Price: ¥26.60 内容简介/Introduction: The book is divided into three parts. The first two parts contain a retrospect of the history of landscape design and draw morals from global landscape designs, especially America’s ‘City Beautiful Movement,’ while encapsulating that the popular
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    Chinese Express: Joy Chinese in 3 months

    内容简介/Introduction: It is a practical textbook designed for foreigners who are living or working in China to learn Chinese by self- study. In the last 20 years, more and more friends from different parts of the world have come to China. Everybody experiences his or her own story and is often shocked by the change in this fast- growing country. For expats living in China, many people want and need
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    House Demolition

    House Demolition is a non-fiction novel. The writer used the genre of novel to optimize the sense of reality she wanted to convey, so that the sense of reality can be shown in front of readers in a more concentrated, interesting, detailed and warmer way. The book shows psychological activities in various social conflicts, and it is full of sympathy for peasants losing land, which makes people mo
  • 版权合作

    Color pencil painting -- four seasons summer flowers

    作者/Author:Song Libin 出版时间/Publication Year:Apr 2014 书号/ISBN:9787538183771 定价/Price:¥35.00 内容简介/Introduction: This book gives readers friends better, more systematically on the flowers have a comprehensive understanding, through this book simply learning color pencil drawing method, the collocation of color, brushwork using volume and a sense of shaping, drawing contests in the spring flow
  • 版权合作

    Research on the Development Trends of China’s Contemporary Private Sector Films

    作者/Author:Ding Yaping 出版时间/Publication Year:Apr.2014 书号/ISBN: 978-7-303-12729-0 内容简介/Introduction: This book presents research carried out by Ding Yaping and his team at the Chinese National Academy of Arts on the Chinese private sector film industry’s development status and trends. It is the first time that academia has taken on the task to systematical organize and conduct an in-depth
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    Meet China: 56 Ethnic Groups of China (English Edition)

    书号/ISBN:9787561934494 内容简介/Introduction: As the first book in the Meet China series, Hello, China welcomes you to join in the trip of reading and meeting China. Starting now, let’s follow it to explore this country,which may be unfamiliar or even mysterious to you. In the third book 56 Ethnic Groups of China, you’ll meet the ethnic groups living in different parts of China, see the t
  • 版权合作

    Towards Yan’an

    作者/Author:Haifei 出版时间/Publication Year:Jun 2011 书号/ISBN:9787533932022 内容简介/Introduction: How do human beings make decisions and take actions to save and liberate a nation? Embodying the true and valuable human nature is the highest level of literature and art, and this is what the book Towards Yan’an is based on. The whole novel starts from “looking into the distance”, and as
  • 版权合作

    Selected Children’s Literature of Hong Xuntao (5 Vol. Set)

    作者/Author:Hong Xuntao 出版时间/Publication Year: 2013 内容简介/Introduction: Selected Children’s Literature of Hong Xuntao is published to celebrate the 85th anniversary of his birthday and commemorate his contributions to the children’s literature of China. This series includes 5 volumes, collecting most excellent works written by Hong Xuntao, involving fairy tales, plays, novels, essays a
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    Favorites—— stories of antiques

    作者/Author:Sun Zhongmou 出版时间/Publication Year:Jan 2014 书号/ISBN:978-7-5480-2777-5 定价/Price:¥28.00 内容简介/Introduction: Some antique dealers talk about some stories of contemporary antiques circle, which were the themselves experience in the field of collection, such as buying in street, from antique collectors home, etc, in the 80s' to 90s' of last century.
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    几十年来,季先生的学术研究领域广泛,加之勤钻研,他在语言学、佛学、历史学、文学、文化学、比较文学等方面都卓有建树,但他用心最多、成就最大的则是对印度学的研究。在印度学研究方面,他对印度的语 言、历史、文学、文化及中印文化关系史等方面有独到见解,成就斐然。因此,印度著名的瓦拉那西大学授予他最高荣誉“褒扬奖”、印度文学院授予他“名誉院 士”。 中外文化交流也是季羡林先生一贯重视的,与上述几个研究领域有关,内容相当广,研究的时间也相当长,但重点还是在中印文化交流方面。当然,他的研究“还旁 及中国与波斯和其他一些国家的文化交流”。季先生在不同的时间、不同的场合演说和不同的著作中,对中印文化交流都有精辟论述,这类文章都分散在不同的书中,他的著作如“山”,读者想一一查找有关内容,费力耗时,也许不便。为适应
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    China Report 2013

    The articles selected in this book are characterized by folksy style. Both of them narrating significant events and reflecting living state of vulnerable groups