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Chinese Architecture Today 0

《室内设计师》杂志社 电子版 下载


本书已入围2015-2018经典中国国际出版工程书单 图书分类:艺术 图书标签:建筑艺术 语言:汉语 出版时间:2016-05 书号:9787112191086
出版社: 中国建筑工业出版社 已译语言: 英语
输出国家: 马拉维
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2016经典中国国际出版工程入选作品
China is not only a playgro und for intc rnational architectural practices: it has its own active arc hitectural scene. Twcnty-six projccts completed du ring the last four years focus on this diverse output.With the work in their own country ChinCSC architects take a position between international influenecs and China's rich building tradition.All the buildings arc introduced with detailed project de*ions,relevant plans, and numerous color photographs.The range of examples includes the reuse of historical factory buildings, experimental new buildings, and new applications of old building materials such as bamboo.An introductory essay provides an overview of the current positions of Chinese architects.