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Dedalus Press


国家: 爱尔兰 机构类别:出版原创 网站:


The Dedalus Press is one of Ireland's best known and longest running literary imprints, specializing in the best in contemporary Irish poetry and poetry from around the world in translation. We also publish occasional prose titles by poets, or books which survey or explore aspects of the world of poetry. Founded in 1985 by poet John F Deane, the press is now run by poet / broadcaster Pat Boran and publishes an average of ten new titles per year. It is widely recognized as one of the most proactive Irish literary publishers, particularly in relation to reaching new audiences in Ireland and abroad. Recent projects and publications include the pocket anthology 'The Bee-Loud Glade' featuring an audio CD of poems set to music by Crazy Dog Audio Theatre; the sampler anthology 'Airborne: Poetry from Ireland' for Apple's iBooks platform; and the major anthology of new Irish poetry and prose, 'Shine On', supporting people affected by mental ill health. Dedalus issues an occasional podcast, 'AudioRoom', available for free on the iTunes store, and has long made recordings of readings by its poets available to an online audience, "An invaluable new dimension on the Irish studies front", in the words of The Irish Times. The press receives support from The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and is a not-for-profit enterprise dedicated to improving the visibility of poetry and the lot of poets. Dubbed "one of the most outward-looking poetry presses in Ireland and the UK", the press, named for James Joyce's Stephen Dedalus is heir to both a classical inheritance and a particularly Irish interpretation of same. Despite the recent downturn in the fortunes of our country, and immense changes in the way in which many people first encounter poetry in the digital world, we remain optimistic about the power of poetry to find its way in the world, and encouraged by each expression of interest and support, each single purchase of a new or backlist title that allows us to continue to devote our energies towards the poets of today and the poets who will give our future publications their own distinctive character and significance.