

A translator finds inspiration to overcome language barrier

Words have meaning but the trouble facing translators is that the same word can mean different things. Translation is not just about transporting one word into another language, it is about the essence, the context of the moment. American translator Jerim

Notice | Topic collection of Fighting the Covid-19

The purpose of the Project of Writing on China by Foreigners is to enable overseas sinologists, writers, media workers, academics and celebrities to have the opportunity to share their interest in the Chinese culture. They are welcome to tell the stories

疫情下的老外 | 唱“红歌”音乐人、行走中国的大学教授马克·力文

新冠病毒疫情发生的当下,不少老外仍然坚持留在中国,他们如何度过每天的宅家生活?他们对疫情有何感悟和思考?作为与中国有着千丝万缕联系的老外,他们又是如何为中国的全民战疫贡献自己的绵薄之力?美国人马克·力文(Mark Levine)是中央民族大学特聘教授,赶上放寒假,疫情期间他留在了北京。在家自主隔离时,他撰写自己的新书,讲述在中国十多年的生活经历;准备开学后的线上课程,调整原来的授课内容。同时他也随时看新闻了解疫情状况,问候在中国的朋友、学生,给他们加油打气。

Sinologists and ambassadors send wishes to China amid COVID-19

At the invitation of Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support Network, around 30 sinologists, ambassadors to China and foreign experts from various countries released videos in which they extended their blessings and best wishes to the people of Ch
