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  • 国家: 尼日利亚 网站:bookcraftafrica.com/about
    Bookcraft Limited is a dynamic and innovative publishing company established in Nigeria in 1988. Over the years we have established a distinctive presence in the Nigerian and African book market; and our titles have quickly become easily recognisable, with their reader-friendly design and packagi
  • 国家: 尼日利亚 网站:kachifo.com/about.php 成立时间:2004
    Kachifo Limited is an independent publishing house founded in 2004 and based in Lagos, Nigeria. Kachifo Limited is a child of optimism, born at a time when globalisation was beginning to take root in the world. There was a need for a platform from which African stories could be told without any s
  • Editorial Cuarto Propio

    国家: 智利 网站:www.cuartopropio.com 成立时间:1984年
  • Taxman Publications Limited

    国家: 印度 网站:www.taxmann.com
    axmann Publications (P.) Ltd. publishes tax and corporate laws, and educational content for professionals and students in India. It publishes professional and academic book titles, and online databases on direct and indirect tax laws, corporate and business laws, accounts and audit, banking, finance
  • 国家: 印度
    Westland Publications Ltd. is an Amazon subsidiary and one of the largest English language publishers in India. Our list of titles includes popular and literary fiction, food and cooking, spirituality and self-help, biographies, health and wellness, history, general reference, travel and a host of o
  • The MacMillan Publishing house started in 1843. Since then they have published some of the most amazing works of literary fiction from authors like Lewis Carroll or Rudyard Kipling. The company is also responsible for launching the classic research journal “Nature” and since then started to
  • Hachette India

    Hachette India is a division of Hachette UK, which is made up of several different companies and publishing under dozens of imprints. They are known for their Asterix books, as well as titles of Stephen King. The Indian branch started in 2008 and began publishing in 2009 with the first book
  • 国家: 印度 网站:www.wileyindia.com
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc. was founded in 1807 and since its inception, it has been publishing books around the areas of personal development, technical expertise, professional education, advertising, training services and professional education in general. Their books are focused on helping th
  • S. Chand Publishing

    国家: 印度 网站:S Chand Publishing
    This is one of the oldest and largest publishing houses in India, which was founded in 1939 in New Delhi. They mostly deal with educational materials for primary as well as higher education. With over 110 offices and 2000 employees, in 2013 Forbes named the company as “one of the fastest growing pla
  • 哈萨克斯坦国家图书馆

    国家: 哈萨克斯坦
    哈萨克斯坦国家图书馆曾称普希金图书馆,其前身为维尔内(阿拉木图旧称)市图书馆,该馆是根据维尔内市杜马1910年12月31日决议,由热心教育者捐资筹建的。1931年3月,哈萨克苏维埃社会主义共和国中央执委会通过关于成立哈萨克苏维埃社会主义共和国立中央图书馆的决议,因为当时已有必要建立新国家馆来满足共和国日益增长的文化需求。1991年哈萨克斯坦取得独立后才成为国家图书馆。 哈萨克斯坦国家馆是共和国的国家书库和国家书目与方志学中心。图书馆出版《哈萨克斯坦文化艺术新书》的索引和述评;出版最新及回溯性全国图书目录参考资料;揭示哈萨克斯坦的文化遗产;研究哈萨克斯坦图书馆事业当前迫切需解决的问题为其科研的