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  • RTA

    国家: 阿富汗 成立时间:1927
  • Phnom Penh Post

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站:www.phnompenhpost.com/
    A history that stretches back 25 years has made the Phnom Penh Post the ‘Newspaper of Record’. In fact the Phnom Penh Post is the oldest existing independent newspaper in any language in Cambodia. First published in July 1992, the Post is read by thousands of foreigners and Cambodians througho
  • Sipar Publishing

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站:www.sipar.org/
    SIPAR is a collective adventure, devoted entirely to Cambodia that seeks to build bridges between cultures. For the 20 years, the organisation has played a pioneering role in the rebirth of education in the country, concentrating its activity in the rural areas. SIPAR’s goal is to open doors on the
  • 阿富汗国家博物馆

    国家: 阿富汗 成立时间:1919
  • Saraswati Publishing Cambodia

    Saraswati is an independent publishing house based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We aim to offer a full publishing service for books based in or about the Kingdom of Cambodia, by both Khmer and expat writers, as well as full content, digital strategy, and design services to commercial and corporate clien
  • Africa University

    国家: 津巴布韦 网站:www.africau.edu/history.html
    The development of Africa University is a consequence of the growth of United Methodism in Africa. The growth in membership and the emerging socio-economic and political needs in their countries led the African Bishops of the United Methodist Church (UMC) to call on their Church to invest in higher
  • Intetnational Institute for Asian Studies

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站:www.iias.asia/
    IIAS connects knowledge and people, contributing to a more integrated understanding of Asia today by focusing on relevant themes and issues together with scholars and practitioners throughout the world.
  • Dragon Printing House

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站:www.dragonpp.com/
    Dragon Printing & Advertising Production, based in Phnom Penh Cambodia, was established in 1997 by its founder and Managing Director Mr.Taing Pheng during the last quarter of 2001.
  • Aazem Printing House & Publications

    国家: 阿富汗 网站:www.aazempublications.af
    Aazem Printing House & Publications have complete pre print,print,post print and publications in Afghanistan.
  • Midlands State University

    国家: 津巴布韦 网站:ww5.msu.ac.zw/about/
    Historical Note The idea of a University in the Midlands dates back to the foundation of the National University of Science and Technology when Gweru, which was identified as a possible site for a second university campus in the country, lost its bid to Bulawayo. Two other opportunities to host ins