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  • 挪威卑尔根孔子学院

    国家: 挪威 网站:https://www.konfutse.no/ 成立时间:2007-8-29
    承办机构:卑尔根大学、卑尔根联合大学 合作机构:北京体育大学、中国政法大学
  • 卑尔根大学

    国家: 挪威 网站:www.uib.no/ 成立时间:1946
  • 阿塞拜疆外交大学

    国家: 阿塞拜疆
  • University of Tripoli

    国家: 利比亚 网站:uot.edu.ly/en/about-uot 成立时间:1957
    he Libyan University was established by a Royal Decree on 15th December 1955; the first faculty to be founded was the Faculty of Arts and Education in Benghazi. In 1957, the Faculty of Science was opened to become the core of the Libyan University in Tripoli. In 1966, the Faculty of Agriculture wa
  • 阿塞拜疆国立语言大学

    国家: 阿塞拜疆
  • University of Benghazi

    国家: 利比亚 网站:www.uob.edu.ly/en
    The University of Benghazi (UoB) was established on December 15,1955 under the name of "Libyan University". The cornerstone of the university was the Faculty of Arts and Education, including 31 students and 6 staff members then. The univesity was founded in the center of Benghazi. In 1973, the unive
  • Misurata University

    Misurata University is a Libyan university that contributes in growth development and progress promotion through the education of qualified personnel in various scientific fields. In addition to nurturing students’ creativity and sense of exploration, devising plans for human development programs, s
  • Overland literary journal

    国家: 澳大利亚 网站:overland.org.au 成立时间:1954年
    Overland publishes essays, stories and poetry as well as online cultural commentary and special online editions of fiction and poetry. Overland has published literature and reviews related to China, to analyze Chinese cultural and social phenomena and China's influence on the world.
  • 约旦空间出版社

    国家: 约旦 成立时间:2007
  • Sebha University

    国家: 利比亚 网站:sebhau.edu.ly/en/welcome/about 成立时间:1976
    The beginning of Sebha University was in 1976 when the Faculty of Education had been founded as a branch of the University of Tripoli and nucleus for Sebha University later. Sebha University was founded as an independent university in 1983 and included in the beginning both of Faculties of Education